Zero Crossings in Audio

Chris Tralie

In [14]:
import librosa
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import IPython.display as ipd

In most natural audio that we record, there are a range of frequencies that occur at different times. One simple way to estimate instantaneous frequency is to count the number of zero crossings over an interval. Let's say we have the following "linear chirp" (named as such since the perceived frequency, the derivative of the inside of the cosine, increases linearly)

In [15]:
sr = 8000
t = np.arange(sr*2)/sr
y = np.cos(2*np.pi*220*t**2)
ipd.Audio(y, rate=sr)

If we zoom in on a small chunk of audio in the first half, we see that it crosses the x-axis 6 times

In [3]:
plt.plot(t[4000:4100], y[4000:4100])
plt.plot(t[4000:4100], 0*y[4000:4100])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2348ba0ea58>]

If we zoom in later on a chunk of audio that's the same length, we see that there are 16 zero crossings, indicating that the frequency has gone up

In [4]:
plt.plot(t[12000:12100], y[12000:12100])
plt.plot(t[12000:12100], 0*y[12000:12100])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2348bd5a438>]

If we zoom in even later, we see even more zero crossings

In [5]:
plt.plot(t[15000:15100], y[15000:15100])
plt.plot(t[15000:15100], 0*y[15000:15100])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2348bdcd550>]

Computing Windowed Zero Crossings with No Loops

To compute zero crossings with no loops, we first have to understand cumulative sums. Below is an animaton showing how a cumulative sum works. It's very much like a definite integral, but for discrete data

Let's move towards data that's a little bit more like zero crossings, where most of the values are zero but there's 1s spiking when stuff crosses zeros. In this case, we see the cumulative sum goes up in a staircase

Moreover, we can use the cumulative sum to count how many zero crossings there are in an interval $[a, b]$ by taking the difference of the cumulative sum at $b$ and the cumulative sum at $a$. For instance, there are 2 zero crossings between 10 and 30, which we can see as 4 - 2.

This is akin to the definite integral relationship

$\int_{a}^b f(t) dt = \int_{0}^b f(t)dt - \int_{0}^a f(t)dt $

Below is an animation showing how to compute the zeros in every possible window in a linear chirp. We see that the zero crossing counts increase linearly, so they indeed correlate with frequency

Below is the code to replicate this over a longer interval

In [31]:
sr = 8000
win = 200
t = np.arange(sr)/sr
y = np.cos(2*np.pi*440*t**2)

# zcs[i+1] - zcs[i]
zcs = np.sign(y)
zcs = 0.5*np.abs(zcs[1::] - zcs[0:-1])
# cusum(zcs)[i+win] - csum(zcs)[i]
zcs_win = np.cumsum(zcs)[win::] - np.cumsum(zcs)[0:-win]
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2348c2a4278>]

Now let's try this same thing on some real audio

In [17]:
y, sr = librosa.load("femalecountdown.mp3", sr=22050)
ipd.Audio(y, rate=sr)

We see that if we set all of the samples whose windows have zero crossings greater than a certain threshold, then we effectively get rid of all of the constants

In [33]:
y, sr = librosa.load("femalecountdown.mp3", sr=22050)
t = np.arange(len(y))/sr
win = 2000
thresh = 250

# zcs[i+1] - zcs[i]
zcs = np.sign(y)
zcs = 0.5*np.abs(zcs[1::] - zcs[0:-1])
# cusum(zcs)[i+win] - csum(zcs)[i]
zcs_win = np.cumsum(zcs)[win::] - np.cumsum(zcs)[0:-win]

y = y[int(win/2):int(win/2)+len(zcs_win)]
y[zcs_win > thresh] = 0
ipd.Audio(y, rate=sr)
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