Assignment 2: Digital Instruments

Musical Statements

"For The Night" Collab-o

by Alexa and Tom

"Tune 1"

by Jon

"Late Night"

by Anonymous

"7 Nation Army"

by Alexa

"Clock" / "The Real DFT" / "Dirty Ba$$"

by Joe


Original concept for "The Real DFT"

Touched up/mixed in FL Studio

Another composition using assignment code and FL Studio, entitled "Dirty Ba$$.mp3"

"Generally Unpleasant" (Or some weird indy video game theme song)

by Griffin


by Dylan

"Spooky Birthday"

by Mike

"Royal March"

by Anonymous

"8-Bit MCR"

by Mike Tecce

"Flute Bell"

by David

"MDoogy Slaps P1"

by MDoogySlaps

"Sandstorm Pt 2"

by Liz

"Blinding Lights"

by Anonymous