Assignment 3b: Convolution Competition

Musical Statements

"Jimi Hendrix Live"

by tommytreflip

I convolved with Jimi Hendrix playing live on the acoustic guitar with another tune of one-second clap in the music building here at Ursinus!

Original Impulse Response Convolution

"Kanye East"

by jay

Original Impulse Response Convolution

"Holy Music Bomberger"

by Alexa

I recorded a clap in Bomberger auditorium and then convolved it with part of the intro song to Holy Musical B@man, thus creating Holy Musical Bomberger.

Original Impulse Response Convolution

"Digital Love"

by "Daft Punk"

Made an impulse in FL studio, just a very short synthesized click. Used FFTConvolve to get the resulting sound in 'download (16).wav'. I also ran it through a convolution reverb VST inside FL and got another version. The VST version kept the stereo aspects that the impulse resulting in a super wide, almost 3d sounding result.

Original Impulse Response Convolution VST Convolution

"St. Pattys Day in the Reimert bathroom"

by Dylan Melby

This is what shipping up to Boston would sound like if it were played in the reimert bathroom. I like to call it St. Pattys Day in the Reimert bathroom.

Original Impulse Response Convolution

"No Stairway"

by "JK"

For the impulse response I recorded myself clapping on the staircase in my house. Then I convolved it with "No Church in the Wild" by Jay Z and Kanye because I thought it would sound cool.

Original Impulse Response Convolution

"Sunny Doses" / "Doses in the Cathedral"

by Mike

Sunny Doses

This is a convolution of Doses and Mimosas by Cherub and the "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" theme song which was then convolved with the "Cathedral Room" impulse response. (NOTE from Prof. Tralie: Convolution is commutative, so the order in which these are convolved won't affect the result)

Original Impulse Response 1 Impulse Response 2 Convolution

Sunny Doses

This is Doses and Mimosas by Cherub convolved with the Cathedral Room impulse response which was then convolved with the concert hall impulse response.

Original Impulse Response 1 Impulse Response 2 Convolution

"I'm On One in the Bathroom"

by Drake

Took everything out of a bathroom to make the clap echo against the tile flooring.

Original Impulse Response Convolution

"Juice Freestyle in Concert Hall"

by Manning

The first 10 seconds is the untouched studio version, then I faded it into the concert hall echo-sounding part. I also cut out some stuff at the front and shortened it.

Original Impulse Response Convolution

"Boss Battle"

by Call Me Clever (Michael Tecce)

I snagged the Purgatory Chasm impulse response from Echo thief, and convolved that with one of my band's songs.

Original Impulse Response Convolution